Election Day to Every Day:
A Post-Election Call to Action for
Pro-Democracy Philanthropy

Earlier this year, nearly 200 donors and philanthropy organizations joined All by April with a commitment to move nonpartisan election-related grants earlier in the cycle to support free, fair, and representative elections. Together, All by April signatories moved more than $140 million in new grants and earlier payments before the April campaign deadline.

This commitment to fully fund nonpartisan 2024 election-related work remains a top priority for our donor community. At the same time, we must step up to prepare for the future by supporting the pro-democracy field not only on Election Day, but Every Day that follows.

Our grantees on the frontlines of the 2024 election are doing everything they can to ensure free, fair, and representative elections. But we know their work is not over on Election Day. The organizations working to defend our democracy and build long-term community power need to know that when the election is over, we have their backs. Anti-democracy forces don’t defund their infrastructure after every election cycle, forcing groups to downsize and lose momentum. We shouldn’t either.

Many grantees see a financial cliff after November, which threatens their ability to resist the authoritarian playbook, fuel a governing agenda, and build durable power in service of creating a more inclusive, multiracial democracy. Leaders need to know that nonpartisan grants will be renewed in Q1 of next year or that they will be provided with bridge funding to allow them to plan and move forward. They need multi-year nonpartisan support that allows them to continue to build infrastructure in a non-election year and manage leadership transitions seamlessly. And during a period when frontline groups are exhausted and violent threats are only getting worse, they need help ensuring the safety, security, and well-being of their teams and communities.

To ensure the pro-democracy movement can be sustainable and resilient from Election Day to Every Day, we invite individual donors, foundations, advisors, and other philanthropic organizations to join us in supporting this critical, long-term work. Together we will:

  1. Start Planning Now: Confirm your 2025 democracy budget now. Don’t wait to develop a plan next year.
  2. Provide a Bridge into Next Year: Offer bridge funding to grantees who are building long-term sustainable community power, move up payments to Q1, or let grantees know if you’ll be renewing support in the new year.
  3. Commit to Multi-Year Support: Provide multi-year support, whenever possible, so that organizations can continue building toward a long-term vision of a more inclusive multiracial democracy.
  4. Support Safety & Security: Support the safety and security infrastructure that grantees need in the face of violent threats and the authoritarian playbook.

Philanthropy’s commitment to democracy must be sustainable and sustained. We know that some philanthropies will not have the same amount of funding available next year as they did this year. We know some shifts in philanthropic priorities are inevitable. But philanthropy’s priorities cannot be achieved without a healthy democracy and our democracy cannot be healthy without philanthropy’s sustained commitment.

You can join the call to action around these commitments by becoming an “Election Day to Every Day” signatory and by sending this message to others in your network! We call on our philanthropic peers to transform the way we give by ensuring our pro-democracy field is ready for any and all scenarios that lie ahead. We must keep our foot on the gas and let our field partners know that we have their backs Every Day.

Election Day to Every Day is a 501(c)(3) philanthropic campaign to support the pro-democracy field in its continual work to defend and strengthen U.S. democracy.


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Contact us for more information. 

46 supporters have signed as of October 16, 2024

0 of those supporters have signed anonymously.

Democracy Fund

Agua Fund

Ambedo Consulting

Arca Foundation

Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust

Bluespark Partners

California Donor Table Fund

Chambers Initiative

Democracy Alliance

Dietel Pickering & Partners

Donors of Color Network

Four Freedoms Fund

Funders' Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP)

Geneva Global

Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees

Harman Family Foundation

Heartland Fund

JPB Foundation

Juanita Nyce

Justin Buell

Ktisis Capital

Leah Hunt-Hendrix

Leland Fikes Foundation

Leveraged Philanthropy

Movement Voter Fund

National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy

Northern California Grantmakers

One for Democracy

Open Society Foundations

Packard Foundation

Pro-Democracy Center

Propel Democracy Forward Fund

Public Wise

Raikes Foundation

Shannon Cofrin Gaggero

Solidaire Network

Solidarity Giving

State Infrastructure Fund

The Moriah Fund

The Stein Family Democracy Fund

TheCaseMade Incorporated


Trusted Elections Fund

Unite and Renew

Way to Rise

Woodcock Foundation